Sunday, March 8, 2015

VOLT Learnings

After understanding the importance of constructivist education I use the term establishing an effective learning environment to describe the task of a teacher instead of simply teaching. Whether f2f or digital, a learning environment must be created where students can effectively collaborate to create understanding. I have learned that this is possible in the digital environment.

The structure of this course has allowed for the exploration of topics using various forms of digital media, which has been a series of new learning experiences. But even more importantly I have learned that the specific reflections of those in the course are as valuable as the original source material. Additionally, I have learned that the discussion interactions has lead to growth in understanding.

It has been the combination of learning experiences that has allowed me to progress in my understanding of Virtual OnLine Teaching. I have learned that a variety of tools is continually being developed that support the improvement of teaching and learning in the digital environment. The combination of asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities, the posting of discussions about articles and videos, and the use of blogs as a reflection tool have all helped me to understand that there are many tools that can be combined in various ways to create an effective digital learning experience.

The learning environment has continually improved due to the fact that the exchange of information between participants has been established and then encouraged. It is not just that the opportunity for learning from each other exists but that it is imperative to learning. I have found that reading the discussion posts of fellow participants is a valuable and inherently worthwhile activity.

I have learned that the use of digital learning environments to promote social learning while providing access to a wide variety of sources facilitates the creation of value added opportunities. It is these value added opportunities that engages students and evolves the shared knowledge base. Digital learning environments hold the promise of allowing for authentic life-long learning from each other.


  1. "...can effectively collaborate to create understanding," I absolutely agree! '

    The power in shifting educational practices to what you outlined also goes a long way to bettering general communication skills, perspective taking and conflict resolution abilities too. When students become accustomed to working together, especially with those they regard as "wise/sage," "different" or "difficult/opposing," in time many will develop confidence and trust or knowledge that just because something is dissimilar does not make it wrong or bad. There are also entrepreneurial, resiliency and sensitivity skills to be gain too. Moreover, online learning is an excellent vehicle for this movement too because it can bring in some many voices and counter-narratives rather quickly and seamlessly, thus helping people find support, coping techniques and understanding for everything from math anxiety to social-interaction anxiety etc.

  2. Ray I was so glad to read this! I'm glad the environment is working out for you, and you've learned it can be done. Thank you!
